Its been a week of exciting recognition for both our Founder Heather Baird and the work ABLFFK is doing with the support of our wonderful crew of volunteers and supporters and donors! Thanks to all who keep supporting us in the battle for better outcomes for children in out of home care and their carers! You make this work possible!

LG Local Legends
Heather is a local legend – I mean, we all knew that already, but now it’s official! Heather has been recognised as a LG Local Legend. It was an uplifting end to Heather’s week last Friday, finding out she was an LG Local Legend, after a few days of hard slog advocating for a child in care. We can’t wait to show more people what ABLFFK does through this great recognition! Check out Heather and bunch of other LG Local Legends here.
New feature article in the Gippsland Times
This article from the Gippsland Times provides a great insight into why ABLFFK exists, as well as some of the key issues shaping the lives of children in out of home care, and some plans for expanding our impact that we are very excited to share.
“AFTER a childhood growing up in foster care and fighting against a system that she describes as broken, Gippsland’s Heather Baird is still in full battle mode…
After six years of operating from its Sale base, the organisation has morphed into a much bigger and more powerful defender of children’s rights and the welfare system as a whole, and is about to undergo an exciting expansion which will result in the number of depots that distribute crisis cases grow from three to 15 around the state.
Heather says that will effectively enable the team to provide crisis cases to every single child living in out-of-home care in Victoria.
In addition, under a separate banner of Foster Kids and Carers United Ltd – a soon-to-be launched public company – Heather and a newly-formed board are getting ready to invite law firms to provide pro-bono legal work and advice to the carers who advocate for children through the department and the legal system.”