In 2019-20, there were 14,947 children in out-of-home-care in Victoria, and this number is increasing every year. 5494 were admitted to out-of-home care in 2019-20 alone. 72% of these were admitted for the first time.
If you’d like to get involved in helping these children and their hard-working carers, we’d love to welcome you on-board!
Hold a Fundraiser or Event
Holding an event or fundraiser is a great way to raise awareness of the issues facing children in out-of-home-care and support the work we do. If you already belong to a school, community organisation or business, we’ll work with you to help you organise an event or fundraiser. Pease feel free to contact us to talk more about this.
Volunteers can help sort, pack and deliver the donations items that we receive at our space in the Sale Memorial Hall.
If you have a dry, lockable space where carers can come to pick up Crisis Cases you can also volunteer to run a Crisis Case Depot. Get in touch and let us know where you are, and we’ll let you know if we need a Depot there!
We also welcome volunteers who would like to donate time to help with website updates, social media or grant-writing.
Sew or Knit Items
If you have some spare time and are able to knit or sew, we would love some hand-made items, such as clothing, rugs, knitted toys or cotton draw-string bags (for toiletries). These types of donations are always greatly appreciated and have a special ‘homemade’ feel to them, which the children really value.
Donate needed items
We are always in need of clothing, furniture and baby supplies. Read more…